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Periodic Table Explorer 1.7.5
01-04-2013 12:30
Periodic Table Explorer 1.7.5 ne'e aplikativu ida nebe ajuda maluk sira ho informasaun konaba Tabela Periodica. Ho aplikativu ida ne'e maluk sira bele asesu kualker informasaun importante ba elementu kimiku.
Química Geral 2 Edição - John B. Russel (Volume 1)
22-02-2013 10:10
Klik iha imajem kraik ne'e hodi bele DOWNLOAD arkivu ne'e:
Os Capítulos:
1. Noções Preliminares
2. As Fórmulas, as Equações e a Estequiometria
3. ...
Química Geral 2 Edição - John B. Russel (Volume 2)
22-02-2013 09:51
Klik iha imajem kraik mai ne'e:
Os Capítulos:
13. Cinética Química
14. Equilíbrio Químico
15. Soluções Aquosas: Equilíbrio Ácido-Base
16. Solução Aquosa: Solubilidade e Equilíbrio dos Íons complexos
17. Termodinâmica Química
18. Electroquímica
19. Ligações Covalentes
20. Os Não-Metais
Jobs: Clinical Services Manager, Procurement, Logistics Coordinator & Finance Director
28-01-2013 10:15
Marie Stopes International Timor-Leste
Dili, 17 de Janeiro de 2013
Marie Stopes International (MSI) nudar organizasaun internasional non govermental ida ne’ebe serbisu iha area Saude Sexual no Saude Reproduktiva. Oras ne’e...
Plan International Recruitment: National Basic Education Program
28-01-2013 10:13
Plan International invites applications for the position of
National Basic Education Program Coordinator
Plan, one of the world’s largest children’s INGOs, works with children and poor communities in 50 developing countries, Visit .
Plan is...
Financial Investment Adviser
28-01-2013 10:11
The Ministry of Finance (MoF) is seeking for a qualified non-resident applicant to fill the position of Financial Investment Adviser (International).
The Consultant shall be an important contributor in developing the Petroleum Fund Administration Unit into a highly...
Plan International Recruitment: Disaster Risk Management (DRM)
28-01-2013 10:11
Plan International invites applications for the position of
Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Program Manager
Plan, one of the world’s largest children’s INGOs, works with children and poor communities in 50 developing countries, Visit .
Plan is...
National Engineering Instructor
28-01-2013 10:08
Cardno Emerging Markets is seeking energetic and enthusiastic candidates to assist the Government of Timor-Leste with the National Program for Suco Development (Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Suku – PNDS). PNDS is an initiative of the Government of Timor-Leste, jointly managed by the...
UNDP Vacancies Announcement
17-12-2012 12:51
Are you enthusiastic and committed to development in Timor-Leste and interested in a career within the UN system? If so, UNDP is keen to hear from you. We have a number of well paid positions with excellent benefits. UNDP is committed to helping you develop...
17-12-2012 12:51
Plan International is one of the world’s largest children’s INGOs - see . Plan has worked in Timor Leste since 2002, and we expect to continue to serve children here for many...