Arquivo de artigos
Building Construction Manager
12-12-2011 15:28
The European Commission-financed Rural Development Program Phase III (RDP III) in Timor Leste which is managed by Landell Mills Limited (LML) working in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries (MAF) and Ministry of Infrastructure (MOI) in the Democratic Republic of Timor...
Gender Consultant for CARE Timor
12-12-2011 15:23
TERMS OF REFERENCE: Gender Consultant
CARE International in Timor-Leste
Location of assignment: Dili, Timor-Leste (with field travel)
Duration of assignment: 15 days. From approximately 11 -28 January (excluding travel time)
Responsible to: Country Director
Main counterpart: Agricultural...
LAMES simu premiu
08-12-2011 11:16
Grupo peskiza hanaran LAMES (Laboratório de Métodos de Extração e Separação) nebe kordena husi Prof. Dr. Nelson Roberto Antoniosi Filho, hetan premiasaun husi FINEP. Ohin loron grupu ida ne'e atua iha area oin-oin mak hanesan hala'o analiz ba kontrou bee mo'os, produsaun ba biodiesel no...
20-10-2011 14:50
Julião Pereira
Laboratório de Métodos de Extração e Separação (LAMES)
Ukun-an tinan sanulu resin ona maibe problema barak mak ita nia populasaun kontinua enfrenta hanesan: dependensia enerjetiku, dezempregu, nível eskolar, ahi mate loron kalan no hamlaha. Husi problema hirak ne’e,...
rogressio Administration Assistant
17-10-2011 16:03
Job Title: Administration Assistant
Location: Dili
Reports to: Programme Officer
Purpose : To provide support and assistance to the Country Support Staff and the Development Workers in the day to day administration and...
IT Specialist
17-10-2011 14:17
Termos de Referência
Título da vaga: Especialista de TI – Apoio a Sistemas e Rede...
Information Systems Manager
17-10-2011 14:11
The Embassy of the United States of America
The U.S. Embassy in Dili is seeking an individual for the position of Information Systems Manager in the Information Manager Officer office, at the U.S Embassy Dili, Timor-Leste located at Pantai Kelapa, Dili.
POSITION : Information...
Vaga ba Asesor(a) Nasionál iha área IT
17-10-2011 14:08
Gabinete Diretór Geral de Servisu Korporativu, liuhosi Diresaun Nasionál de Planu, Estatístika e Teknolojia da Informasaun loke vaga ba Asesor(a) Nasionál iha área mak hanesan:
1. ...
10-10-2011 12:12
Ba maluk sira nebe susar konaba referensia ka livru ruma hodi estuka ka hodi hanorin iha aula, liu husi situ WILEY maluk sira sei hetan informasaun no asesu livru oin-oin ba area hotu. Situ ida ne'e fo posibilidade mos ba ita atu download livru hirak nebe ita prefere maibe dala barak konteudu...