Scope of Work for DOCE Project Final Evaluation
14-12-2011 09:46
Catholic Relief Services/Timor Leste (CRS/TL) seeks technical assistance from a consultant to conduct a final evaluation of the Development of Candlenut Enterprise Project in Timor-Leste – Phase II (DOCE TL II). The consultant will be required to design and implement a final evaluation together with the DOCE II team covering the three eastern districts of Timor-Leste, i.e. Uatulari sub-district in the district of Viqueque, Iliomar sub-district of Lautem district and in the Venilale sub-district of Baucau, as well as Baucau town. The consultant is expected to spend a significant amount of time in these rural field locations. Some time will also be dedicated to conduct research in Dili including meetings with candlenut traders.
Candlenut is a hardy crop that typically grows wild or is planted on non-cultivated land in Timor Leste. It requires no fertilizer or irrigation, and it is naturally pest-resistant. It is a valuable renewable resource that thrives on the steep landscape of Timor Leste, where it serves to hold soil in place, prevents erosion, and mitigate flooding. Its fruit, the candlenut kernel, is in demand for a variety of purposes, including for sale as a spice, used as a food additive and emulsifier in Indonesian and Malaysian food industries, and to be processed into oil for cosmetic products.
Despite the ease with which candlenut grows in Timor Leste, however, overall production and sales remain low, although it demonstrates potential to generate additional income for poor rural farmers by enhancing an already existing export industry. There is strong evidence that current levels of demand in Indonesia are such that they can easily absorb whatever volume of candlenut that Timor Leste can produce[1], and markets exist outside of Indonesia that have yet to be fully explored.
From October 2006 thru September 2009, with funding from USAID, CRS/TL implemented the DOCE TL project to improve the candlenut value chain in 6 communities in the Eastern districts of Baucau and Viqueque. The project sought to increase farmer production, quality, marketing and family incomes. Specifically, CRS provided technical support to: 1) Increase production and improve post-harvest practices; 2) Establish Candlenut Farmers Groups (CFG) organized into larger Candlenut Marketing Associations (CMA) that provide second-level quality control; and 3) Link CFGs to markets through improved access to market information and trading networks. Through the project, 71 CFGs in Baucau, Lautem and Viqueque Districts were established and organized into 11 CMAs. The adaption of postharvest measures to improve candlenut quality by farmers, in addition to participation in marketing structures set up by the project led to a 40% increase in candlenut sales over the 2006 baseline, and a 36% increase in household incomes.[2]
Phase II of the DOCE project began in October 2009 with further funding from USAID. The goal of this project is: A well established and efficient candlenut industry in Timor-Leste provides a reliable and growing source of income. This will be addressed through one strategic objective: The candlenut market operates more efficiently and equitable.
Incorporating lessons learned from the first phase of the project, DOCE II expanded the project’s reach to 74 additional farmer groups organized into 16 collective marketing associations, reaching five new communities in Baucau District, four new communities in Viqueque District, and four communities in Lautem District. These efforts worked to consolidate three of the most candlenut-rich districts of Timor Leste into one major candlenut producing region. The increase in quality and volume aimed to secure the Indonesian market and create a space in which other markets can be explored.
Applying best practices and lessons learned from DOCE I, CRS/TL currently has 1,465 beneficiaries (candlenut producers) and formed 71 candlenut farmer groups out of the targeted 74 groups - they are organized into 8 Collective Marketing Associations (out of the 16 targeted CMAs) through DOCE II project. A set of action-oriented activities will work towards an efficient and equitable Timorese candlenut market, these activities include: targeted training in quality improvement practices, farmer group formation, enterprise development, developing a market network, and establishing collection and processing points.
Objectives of this consultancy
CRS/TL requires the evaluator to facilitate a participatory process that will look at all of the evaluation criteria of the project to-date towards the achievement of project goals, measure the occurred changes as compared to baseline data, gather lessons learned and provide recommendations for future support to candlenut enterprises.
The external evaluator is required to do the following:
1. Review Project Documents prior to field work/data collection activity (see list below)
2. Review pre-determined information needs and develop tools/methodology for the final evaluation based on the five standard evaluation criteria to address the following issues:
I. Appropriateness: relevance of project objectives to community needs; the appropriateness of gender strategy; community participation; targeting and selection criteria; the timeliness of project interventions; the appropriateness of the technical approach for improving farmer productivity and income.
II. Effectiveness: the ability of the project to meet planned outputs on time; the effectiveness of the M&E system; the ability of the project to incorporate learning throughout the life of the project; and the effectiveness of the project in capacity building of local NGO’s.
III. Efficiency: the cost per beneficiary of the project; ratio of programming to admin costs; staffing structure; human resources; coordination between CRS and its implementing partners
IV. Impact: achievement of SO and IR impact indicators; positive and negative impacts; and differential impact on different communities, households and individuals.
V. Sustainability: capacity of Candlenut Farmer Groups and Candlenut Marketing Associations; the viewpoint on the value from the community on continuing behaviors, such as post-harvest quality improvements, creating nurseries and engaging in collective marketing agreements; sustainable outlook on the candlenut seedlings planted by project participants
3. Develop and propose data collection tools and analysis methodologies for both beneficiary and non-beneficiary, based on final evaluation information needs to allow comparison with baseline data, covering quantitative and qualitative information needs, and project indicators.
4. Develop sampling strategy for evaluating project sites in the three districts of Baucau, Viqueque and Lautem. The sampling strategy should include data collection from non-beneficiary communities that sell candlenut, specifically in regards to price, quality control and marketing activities
5. Field-test and finalize all data collection tools and analysis components
6. Lead data collection and daily debrief using participatory methods with DOCE staff, key community groups, and relevant stakeholders
7. Lead analysis workshop
8. Present preliminary findings to CRS and USAID
9. Draft the final evaluation report based on feedback from the analysis workshop
10. Submit the draft to CRS for circulation to relevant stakeholders and feedback
11. Finalize the final evaluation report with lessons learned and recommendations and submit to CRS
The consultant is expected to complete the following deliverables:
1. Produce a comprehensive report detailing the evaluation of DOCE II based on standard evaluation criteria and the project’s logical framework. The report will include lessons learned and recommendation for future consideration by the CRS country office.
2. Documentation of data for future use (e.g. photos, data tables, etc.)
Time frame
The proposed time frame for the consultancy is as follow:
Sat, 25 February
Arrival in Dili, logistical arrangements, review of project documents
Sun, 26 February
Travel to Baucau, further review of project documents, finalization of meeting schedules,
Mon, 27 February
Meeting with DOCE team: drafting of tools, finalization of work schedule
Tue, 28 February
Submission of draft tools to team for review and feedback
Wed, 29 February
Finalization of tools, translation of tools + Training team on data collection tools, confirmation of field work schedule
Thu, 1 March – Sat 10 March
Supervise field work and daily debrief sessions
Sun, 11 March
Rest day
Mon, 12- Tue, 13
Analysis Workshop in Baucau Office + Travel to Dili
Wed, 14 March
Presentation of preliminary findings to CRS and USAID
Thurs, 15 March
Start drafting of report incorporating feedback from stakeholders
Tue, 20 March
Submission of draft report for circulation and feedback
Wed, 28 March
Submission of final report to CRS
The successful candidate will have a minimum 5 years experience, preferably in Timor-Leste or South East Asia, in leading complex evaluations, good knowledge in agriculture, agro-enterprise, and rural development. Significant experience in facilitating focus group discussions, interviews, implementing surveys and research activities, survey sampling, project design, data compilation, analysis and presentation of evaluation findings through the use of data analysis tools. Excellent report writing skills and analytical skills of quantitative and qualitative data are essential. Tetum or Bahasa Indonesia language skills are preferred.
Vacancies Contact
Interested applicants should submit a cost and technical proposal (Including CV, three references, preferably former clients and costs), outlining proposed methodology to email address: to Joshua Kyller at with copy to Amelia Andrade at and Risza Lopez before January 2012. .
A full list of documents relevant to the evaluation will be made available, including:
1. Project Narratives for phase I and II of the DOCE Project
2. DOCE I Mid Term Evaluation (June 2008)
3. DOCE II Proposal Technical Narrative (September 2009)
4. DOCE II Baseline Survey Report (December 2009)
5. DOCE II Mid Term Evaluation (July 2011)
6. Quarterly Reports submitted to USAID
7. Evaluation Planning Tables consisting of identified information needs, suggested methodologies and target respondents
8. Performance Indicator Tracking Table (PITT) from DOCE I and DOCE II
[1] Sugarda, Budhi, et al. Final Report: Study of the Market for Candlenut Oil and Related Products from Timor Leste: Potential Market in Indonesia. October 2005. Sponsored by USAID.
[2]CRS. Baseline Report for DOCE II Project. September 2009.