Invitation to tender - Land and tree management training for communities
06-12-2012 08:02
Invitation to Tender
Land and tree management training for communities
Service Contract Title: Land and tree management training for communities
Duration: January 2013 to February 2014 (14 months)
Reporting to: Luis da Cunha (Forestry Manager) and William Baron (Energy for All Manager)
1. Background
In May 2011 Mercy Corps began implementing a three-year programme funded by the European Commission, addressing the issue of energy poverty in Timor Leste. The objective of the programme is to facilitate access to alternative sources of energy and renewable sources of fuel in three rural and peri-urban districts of Timor-Leste through sustainable market-driven approaches. The programme is being implemented in two rural districts (Manufahi and Ainaro), and in peri-urban areas of the capital Dili.
As part of this programme, Mercy Corps aims to address issues of access to firewood, deforestation, erosion and vulnerability to climate change in the country. To help tackle these problems, Mercy Corps has worked with communities to undertake land-use and vulnerability mapping, and will be supporting communities to establish household-level micro-nurseries / seed beds to increase tree and land management skills and practices. Species include: mango, citrus, legumes, teak, mahogany and candlenut.
Mercy Corps is seeking an experienced forestry actor to provide training for communities in more advanced tree management skills, and to support government to replicate the approach in other communities.
2. Objective of Consultancy
The objectives of this contract are as follows:
1. Conduct pruning and grafting training in 15 sucos
2. Provide capacity-building for government and conduct training with government on nursery and tree management in 12 sucos
3. Support Mercy Corps to regenerate communal land in 15 sucos
4. Provide capacity-building support to government on nursery management
Objective 1. Conduct pruning and grafting training in 15 sucos
In consultation with Mercy Corps, the contractor will develop a two-day training course for communities on advanced tree management skills, consisting of ‘pruning’ and ‘grafting’ skills.
The contractor will then deliver this training to forestry management groups in 24 different locations.
Objective 2. Provide capacity-building for government and conduct training with government on nursery and tree management in 12 sucos
The Contractor will be required to work closely with the National Forestry Department (NDF) to replicate Mercy Corps’ ‘Technical Training in Land and Tree Management’, in approximately 12 sucos. Each training will last for an estimated three days, and cover the following modules:
1. Household Seed Bed Preparation and Planning
2. Seed Collection and Sorting
3. Post-Seed Germination Care
4. Planting of Saplings and Vegetative Planting (vegetative tree propagation from branch material)
Activities under this objective will consist of the following:
- Identify target sucos in coordination with DNF and Mercy Corps
- Deliver Training of Trainers for DNF and MAF staff in Dili
- Socialisation (and socialisation training for government) in target sucos
- Support government to conduct training
- Work with government to provide follow-up support and distribute seeds to community members
- Monitoring of nurseries and sapling planting
Objective 3. Support Mercy Corps to regenerate communal land in 15 sucos
The contractor will be required to work with Mercy Corps to conduct tree-planting in communal land in up to 15 sucos. Activities will consist of the following:
- Identify areas for replanting in consultation with communities
- Organise community ‘Tree-Planting Days’, including training on sapling planting techniques
- Monitoring of results
Objective 4. Provide capacity-building support to government on nursery management
The contractor may also be required to support government staff in managing sapling production in government-owned nurseries. This activity may include the following:
- Training on nursery management
- Support for distribution of saplings
3. Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the Contractor are as follows:
- Complete all activities in relation to the Objectives defined above
- Submit monthly reports summarising activities
The responsibilities of Mercy Corps are as follows:
- Develop the Handbook/Manual/Video of training
- Provide all materials and equipment needed for the training
4. Schedule
The contract is expected to last for 14 months, requiring full-time employment by four staff members.
5. Budget
Interested contractors should submit a detailed budget.
Mercy Corps will be responsible for purchasing all materials used directly by beneficiaries, for example materials for nurseries, tools, seeds etc.
6. Application Process
Mercy Corps invites application from interested organisations in Timor Leste. Application should be submitted in English or Tetum, and should consist of the following:
· Letter of interest (including description of prior training experience)
· CV of trainers
· Budget plan
Applications should be submitted by email to Luis da Cunha ( / William Baron ( or by hard copy delivered to Mercy Corps’ office: Bairo Dos Grilhos Dili, Timor Leste. The deadline for submitting applications is Tuesday 18th Dec 2012. Offers received after this time will not be considered.