Client Exit Survey Consultancy - Marie Stopes International TL
11-11-2012 00:37
Marie Stopes International Timor Leste is the newest partner of the Marie Stopes International (MSI) Partnership. MSI is regarded as one of the world’s leading sexual and reproductive healthcare not-for-profit organizations. MSI Timor Leste is currently looking to fill the following position:
Objective of the consultancy
The MSITL Client Exit Survey assesses the profile of clients, their satisfaction with MSI services and the quality of care experienced. It is used across all service delivery channels – MSITL and MOH static centres and outreach sites. Its aim is to better understand our clients, what they value about services provided by MSITL teams and their feedback about how these services could be improved.
The Client Exit Survey answers the following questions:
1. Do MSITL activities reach the target population, i.e. the poor and underserved?
2. Who are MSITL clients, i.e. what are their socio-demographic characteristics?
3. Do MSITL services meet client expectations?
4. Do MSITL marketing / behavioural-change communication (BCC) strategies work?
This information will be used to inform future MSITL service provision, marketing and other research.
Responsibilities and Expected Outputs
The main responsibilities of the consultant are to:
· Develop a workplan using MSI Client Exit Survey guidelines and relevant project documents;
· Conduct a half day planning and coordination meeting with MSITL prior to undertaking field data collection
· Field test, adapt and translate MSI standard questionnaire in line with MSI guidelines;
· Recruit and train enumerators and manage data collection;
· Oversee data entry and analysis
· Produce Exit Survey report using MSI template submitted by January 2013; and
· Conduct a stakeholder workshop to present results of survey.
Expected outputs
· Workplan for conduct of survey and completion of consultancy
· Sample size and district travel plan completed
· Client survey questionnaire finalised
· Survey team trained and survey data collected in accordance with MSI guidelines
· Complete data set submitted
· Client Exit Survey report (15-20 pages) presenting and summarizing quantitative and qualitative data collected through the survey produced
· Stakeholder workshop conducted.
Duration and dates
· The estimated duration of the consultancy is 6 weeks (including deskwork and writing)
· The evaluation is planned to commence in November 2012 and the final report should submitted before the end of January 2013
For a copy of the complete TOR, including key selection criteria, please email Eva Hall at
The deadline for application is Sunday 18th November 2012. Completed applications should be sent to